Saturday, March 26, 2011

Calling All Pens

True, This! —
Beneath the rule of men entirely great,
The pen is mightier than the sword.

Richelieu; Or the Conspiracy , Act I, Scene II
Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1839

The ink of a scholar is holier
Than the blood of a martyr.

Attributed to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH

On January 8, 2002, then President George W. Bush signed the “No Child Left Behind” law. Like dogs to the Pavlovian bell, governors across the country, together with state legislatures rushed to embrace either this clarion call for quality education for all Americans. Either that or they succumbed to the monetary inducement to “play ball” in which Federal funds could be used to offset dwindling state resolve to support education. Um, let’s see, I wonder which one of these might have been the case?

So when Wisconsin Governor and Tea Party darling Scott Walker decided to pick a battle on how to deal with the state’s budgetary profligacy, he ripped a page from the playbook of Pope Paul IV in 1559. After all, if you want to build an electorate who will warmly embrace nostalgic eras like, oh, let’s say the Inquisition; the place to start is by rooting out the evils unleashed by the “freedom of inquiry”. Anyone betting on how soon we’ll see the forests of Wisconsin cut down to stack around the stakes to rid the state of heretics? And, not to be outdone, governors and legislatures across the country and around the world are deciding that tough economic times call for drastic measures so, what better place to save than silly incidentals like education?

Now, before every NEA blogger places me on their most-favorite-blog referral, beware. Ever since organized education sold out to standardized testing and propped up pathetic attempts to show education metrics to justify their existence, they put their own tinder at their own feet. You see, long ago Educators abandoned their destiny for an Industrial Output model where “passing” and “minimum competency” replaced excellence at most turns. And, while there’s still room under the bus, parents, in their quest to “make ends meet” decided that schools were more daycare than life preparation and relegated discipline failures to schools while they were off selling their hours in pursuit of an American dream.

Prior to the storming of the Bastille in 1789, over 700 authors, printers and book dealers were reportedly held for sedition, radical thoughts and inciting rebellion in a legacy of the 1550s banner decade for edicts (the 1551 Edict of Chateaubriant and the 1557 Edict of Compiegne) setting forth death penalties for heresy and the burning of nobelwomen at the stake for promoting the reading of books. After all, when autocratic governments wish to control masses, their first line of defense is to attack the educated class and restrict the role of schools. It worked for the Church in the Dark Ages, in France in the 17th century and it will work for Wisconsin in 2011. Unless, a few people realize that both the governor and the educators are engaged in a meaningless Quixotic battle while the real tragedy goes unaddressed.

To be clear, most states (including Wisconsin) are in the pickle they’re in at the moment because of illiteracy. During bumper crop years of state surpluses; state pensions, union pensions, and the like were signed away to charlatans and swindlers who promised safe investment vehicles which would allow state coffers to fill on the heady markets. In the run up to 2008 and buoyed by the insanity of political forces in Washington who saw equity markets as the cure for all social programmatic ills, massive allocations were made to investments which were NOT investments. Why would state funds fall for such pathetically transparent schemes? Simple, because not a single legislature in the country has a modicum of financial literacy sufficient to make fiduciary decisions informed of all the facts. And we don’t have the literacy because we have failed to educate.

Our current education system is a product of an industrial system gone horribly wrong. Students are programmed to be consumables in an industrial system. Why is it that universities are rated based on their job placement success rather than their graduates’ contributions to the world? Why is it that we choose math and science as our flagship socialized priorities? Was this mandate a product of aspiring to greatness or were we playing out the madness put in motion by the Reagan Administration’s spectre of the Japanese dominating the world? Hey, Gipper, if you’re out there – Japan was never something to fear…. ignorance was and is!

I have been dealing with civil and criminal acts committed by mining companies – listed on the Toronto, Australian, and London stock exchanges – for the past several months. I have also been dealing with reporters who are conducting investigations into these abuses. Ironically, NO compliance arm of any of the markets in question have provided ANY evidence whatsoever in enforcing material disclosure requirements (and relevant compliance failures of the companies in question) which will directly and adversely impact the value of shares traded on their exchanges. Market regulators and the media believe that places like Mongolia and Papua New Guinea are “too far away” to really get a handle on the story. Mind you, they’re not too far away to rob and swindle. But they are too far away to warrant regulatory compliance oversight. If educated, they would realize that these countries are on the way to even more remote places where regulated markets flourish. They would realize that in both countries, English competency outstrips multi-lingual competency in their own countries. In the countries in concern, walking governments through basic agreements in which publicly traded corporations have ripped sovereignty from the hands of the country – in executed agreements – begins not with a sense of outrage but rather, incredulity. “Are you saying that they’re misleading us?” is a refrain that has echoed in every corner. “No,” I respond, “I’m saying that they’re stealing from you and insuring that you and your country remain impoverished.”

And then, the bough breaks.

Impoverished people, oppressed by the licensed tyranny of market forces which steal resources and leave no benefit for the communities, rise up and demand that their voices be heard and their interests served. Some countries chose to nationalize their assets and, in vindictive reprisal, rating agencies like Moodys, S&P, and Fitch down-grade the country as being “risky”. As long as you are being robbed and don’t complain, you’re an acceptable risk. Stand up against abuse and you’re “too unstable”. Some countries acquiesce and invite unfettered corruption while multi-lateral organizations stand aside and lament the “Dutch Disease”. And, We the People, stand by and shake our heads as bombs rain down on countries where, in a single day, we blow through more money in the name of national defense than we spend in a year in education in most states.

You see, it’s all related. Cartoon characters in State Houses, incensed labor marching in the streets, bombs in Libya. At the core, we have failed to truly hold up the standard of unfettered Freedom of Inquiry. Educators have too often abandoned their post of moral leadership insisting that a child prepared for a complex world needs excellence in communication and civil engagement – not monotonous drills for standardized tests. Public figures have succumbed to public opinion narcissism where short term is measured in CNN-years (7 times faster than dog – or is it Fox? – years). Market regulators have focused on post facto gotcha rather than preempting crisis. And We the People have elected to Twitter about Charlie Sheen.

Now, I know, this post has required some of you to actually re-read sentences. Some of you have actually opened up another browser window to do real-time Babel Fish on my selection of words. And, as I sit in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, that sight makes me laugh. For, in the end, my point is to preserve the hope that one day, we’ll regain the capacity to think in paragraphs and prose, we’ll regain the capacity to debate in rich metaphors and hyperbole, and that, We will once again value the inalienable curiosity of the human spirit and empower it with a rich, educated foundation.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Transforming our Economy At Last - Our World’s New Beginning

A speech delivered on March 17, 2011 in Carpenter’s Hall, Philadelphia
By Dr. David Martin, Executive Chairman of M•CAM Inc
Batten Fellow, University of Virginia

O Lord our Heavenly Father, high and mighty King of kings, and Lord of lords, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers on earth and reignest with power supreme and uncontrolled over all the Kingdoms, Empires and Governments; look down in mercy, we beseech Thee, on these our American States, who have fled to Thee from the rod of the oppressor and thrown themselves on Thy gracious protection, desiring to be henceforth dependent only on Thee. To Thee have they appealed for the righteousness of their cause; to Thee do they now look up for that countenance and support, which Thou alone canst give. Take them, therefore, Heavenly Father, under Thy nurturing care; give them wisdom in Council and valor in the field; defeat the malicious designs of our cruel adversaries; convince them of the unrighteousness of their Cause and if they persist in their sanguinary purposes, of own unerring justice, sounding in their hearts, constrain them to drop the weapons of war from their unnerved hands in the day of battle!

Be Thou present, O God of wisdom, and direct the councils of this honorable assembly; enable them to settle things on the best and surest foundation. That the scene of blood may be speedily closed; that order, harmony and peace may be effectually restored, and truth and justice, religion and piety, prevail and flourish amongst the people. Preserve the health of their bodies and vigor of their minds; shower down on them and the millions they here represent, such temporal blessings as Thou seest expedient for them in this world and crown them with everlasting glory in the world to come.

Reverend Jacob Duché
Rector of Christ Church of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
September 7, 1774, 9 o’clock a.m.

Two hundred thirty seven years ago this invocation set in motion the First Continental Congress and set the world alight in a war against perceived tyranny and oppression. Two hundred thirty seven years later, we gather this evening in a world alight in a war against perceived tyranny and oppression. Kneeling under the illumination shining through the south window of this hall, resplendent in the light of morning, the Rector of Christ Church of Philadelphia could not have imagined that his prayer, so passionately constructed, would, in two centuries find itself more prophecy than supplication.

Just this past week, China re-emerged after 500 years as the world’s leading producer economy while, we the People for whom this prayer was spoken, find ourselves in a relentless struggle to “defeat the malicious designs of our cruel adversaries.” However in a tragic irony, this time maliciousness and unrighteousness are not directed to foreign powers but at our own countrymen. Having fled the rod of the oppressor, we have, in larger part, been seen as the oppressor. Rather than assembling in honor for the “best and surest foundation” we instead have scorned wisdom for the tyranny of intolerance.

Once again, now in the light of the waxing Lenten moon, I would like us to consider our precise condition so that we can find a path to a supplication more fitting a New Beginning. Tonight, I would welcome you to consider the animating values of ourselves, our businesses, our nation and our world and recognize that it is in this consideration in which we can reconcile ourselves to our callousness and find a path towards a More Perfect Union.

Earth Dwellers to Resource Conquerors

On the waning notes of the prayer which opened this Hall, Adam Smith in An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations described the Earth as not our sanctuary and home but rather the compilation of commodities to exchange and consume. The Earth and its “resources” were objects of dominion and Labor – not human engagement and stewardship – serving as the determinant of value. In this view, and in its present manifestation, we find ourselves in persistent conflict to lay claim to perpetually lower “cost” resources and labor to leach profit from every source. In the late 1990s as we encouraged profit maximization by reducing domestic employment, did we profit or did we create an ecosystem where our own citizens have atrophied in their capacity to produce and contribute to a national wealth and identity? We prayed for nurturing care but decided that University of Chicago shareholder value maximization was supreme. Rather than seeing ourselves as stewards of an ecosystem, we sought piety through blood. Is it then, any wonder that the words “human trafficking” and “conflict metals” are as synonymous in our day as slavery and plunder were in 1774?

Sanguinary Purposes vs. Effectual Harmony

In the formation of the current Federal Reserve at the turn of the last century, we frequently recall the debate about States’ rights of currency. We remember William Jennings Bryan and J.P. Morgan variously advocating for agrarian interests in state currency and silver vs. gold and industrial credit, respectively. However, we spend little time considering the centrality of mortality in our Federal Reserve system. After all, it was the life insurers – like Aetna and Metropolitan Life – who provided life insurance premiums for the capital formation of our current monetary system (a practice persisted to this day). It was, after all, the cash compiled by insurers from 1905 to 1913 which provided the first “fixed income” capital to buy the first Federal Reserve debt. To this day, life insurance premiums and pensions require, as “safe investments” the very debt that animated the Fed’s founding. As founding members of Reserve Corporation and persistent members of its Board of Directors, what’s in your wallet is merely a debenture against your very mortality. And, given that most Americans die in debt, there’s no wonder why the dictum of near compulsory “death benefits” are structured to repay, in death what we failed to honor in life.

While we have layered equity markets, financial engineering, celebrated monetary hegemony on top of our modern, self-congratulatory assessment of our now threatened economic power, at what point in history did we actually stop and ask ourselves the considered question: “Does money based on actuarial management of Death serve as the best metric of performance or success?” Is a business the sum of returns to shareholders or is it an organizing endeavor which values the participants in a community; which builds value through employment; which spreads value through exchanges within and between communities; and, which engages value in practicing exemplary stewardship?

Expedient Blessings to Indebted Consumption
When the Reverend implored the Almighty for “expedient” blessings, is it conceivable that expediency and blessing are in existential tension? “Truth and justice, religion and piety prevailing and flourishing”? In this time, in fact our greatest perceived threat is coming from religion and piety prevailing and flourishing. The challenge for us is that, in our focus on our own interests, we failed to engage with our neighbors and, in the vacuum, other religions – built on strict adherence to the values of community and ideology over the individual and built on community values rather than isolated consumerism – flourished. While we can debate on the proximate causes for piety-animated extremism, there is no question that poverty is a fuel for radicalization and we were too busy swiping our credit cards using our houses as ATMs to recognize that we were contributing to the animation of our shared greatest fears.

Friends, we now live in the full measure of the prayer that opened this hall. Our manifold successes remain bound to tyranny and oppression. Our technological advances have been energized by resource exploitation which ravages countries and spreads the scourge of poverty-fueled reprisals to our shores.

Make me an instrument of peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
when there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
Grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand,
to be loved as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned.

In the Industrialization of the past century, we observed and were willing participants in an economic system which detached the value of business and human endeavors from the ecosystem, integral values, and a sense of perpetual stewardship not only for ourselves but for future generations. Rather than aligning capital and its flow to productivity, we sought extraction optimization and celebrated the same as the pinnacle of celebrity achievement.

We are more than the sum of this failing indebted currency metric.

What does the New Economy look like? How will we recognize it when it shows up? What can we do to align our efforts with its manifestation?

Productive Currency
Money is an artifact of value transfer – not the value itself. Since we stopped using metal coinage, this has been the case. Experiments in new currency – including Utah’s recent vote to reinstate gold and silver as legal tender – are emerging at community, State and international levels. Intrinsic to all of these is absolute commitment to reconnecting the exchange with productive engagement. Currency is a call option on future goods, services or interactions – not a draft against looming debt and mortality.

Collaborative Access
Humanity shares some basic traits – not the least of these is the shared impulse to be creative. Whether it’s the Inca pumping water up a mountain 800 years ago or the survivor of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, when water is where we don’t want it, we move it. From the farmer who goes from sharpened stick, to plow, to no-till agriculture to the metallurgist who goes from cast iron to single atomic thickness gas phase deposition of conductive materials, when we see our world, our impulse is to change it. This shared impulse must serve as the core for accessing active participation in the global exchange of value. Rather than seen as a commodity of labor, we will succeed when creative collaboration is a calling card equally valued regardless of race, creed or geography.

Transparent Accountability
Value is an inclusive experience which counts the all-in consequence of our activities. Coal isn’t free. It costs a forest, epochs of time, pressure, heat and space and our assumption that its value starts at its digging denies its replacement value. Metals don’t show up in ingots or bars but they start with a dynamic earth that quakes, heaves, and transforms phase and state. From materials to our final interaction with goods, services and experiences, accounting for ALL components of our experience is the only way we’ll manifest a viable economy for all. Poverty’s blight must be transformed from the absence of things to the willful disengagement from communities and networks. Wealth must take on the stewardship mantle where the best of us are the ones who remove the most barriers of access for the masses.

This is happening now.

So, in the waning hours of this evening, let us consider a new prayer for the New Economy.

Led by humanity’s Unquenchable Light,
We pledge…
… to live as stewards of our sanctuary Earth;
… to honor the inalienable value of the creativity intrinsic to all;
… to orient our actions to the removal of barriers of access and opportunity;
… to define our wealth by our character rather than our artifacts; and,
… to fully live in abundant grace in a spirit of tolerance and mercy;
So that we, dwellers of Earth, may be embraced in the illumination of everlasting glory.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Article III, Section 3 or Just AIG

Anytime I hear that any government bailed out entity is acting in “the best interest of taxpayers” I smell a rat! When I hear AIG (NYSE: AIG) say that it wants to buy back “assets” from Maiden Lane II, I find myself wishing that the framers of the U.S. Constitution had anticipated the government declaring war on its own currency when Article III, Section 3 was drafted. When I find out that the New York Federal Reserve is actually not sure that it wants to take AIG’s offer of $15.7 billion in cash (yes, U.S. Dollars – THAT cash) in exchange for toxic assets which nearly cratered the company and the country just two years ago I lament for the absence of any public media capacity to actually tell the country what’s really happening.

Let’s review for a moment. The U.S. Treasury – that vaunted entity that is responsible for the financial assets of the United States – owns about 92% of AIG. For the record, that’s a controlling interest and, we, the people, allegedly are being served by the management thereof. The New York Federal Reserve, the Managing Member of Maiden II, together with the collateral agent, The Bank of New York Mellon, are actually the “owners” and “managers” of Maiden Lane II. You will recall, recently the Federal Reserve (a corporation having NO public accountability and having no interest in the taxpayers’ interests) authorized the purchase of approximately $600 billion in U.S. Treasury securities. Now I know this will come as a shock but this purchase explicitly violated the rules of independence set forth in the AIG bailout – specifically violating provisions of independence required under the Fed’s custodial role. By accepting AIG’s purchase of the Maiden Lane II assets, the Fed would receive an estimated $1.5 billion profit for selling securities for $0.50 on the dollar.

But, you’d have to be a real loser to spend this much time actually READING the evidence of the cover-up to know any of this. However, in the interest of demonstrating just how much a geek I am, I decided that there was a bigger rat behind the ludicrous statement being made by U.S. Treasury-owned AIG. So I went down the rabbit hole of the CUSIPs (the Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures) which are the records of the assets actually toxic enough to qualify for bailout but now so desirable to own that the U.S. Treasury has decided that holding them is MORE ATTRACTIVE THAN HOLDING U.S. CURRENCY! While I won’t bore you with all of the assets, I wanted you to see exactly the “quality assets” which are better than the U.S. dollar according to the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Mortgage Obligations originated by…

Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP's

IndyMac Bank, F.S.B. - Chapter 7 bankruptcy

Newport Management Corporation

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

Deutsche Bank National Trust Company

Yes, you’re reading this correctly. Assets of failed, bailed out, and civilly indicted (soon to include the prospect of criminal charges) banks are officially “better” investments than cash. And this determination is made by the organization responsible for maintaining the quality of U.S. cash! I wish you could make stuff like this up but reality is far more tragic than fiction could ever imagine.

Now, if you’re sitting there thinking to yourself, “Certainly someone somewhere out there knows what they’re doing,” I wish I could provide you some solace. However, in a painful experience this week with one of North America’s most respected news entities, I found out how anemic fiscal literacy is in our media and how horrific their attention span is to outright fraud. So, for the record, let’s simplify it and see if you can use your forwarding capacity on your browser to make sure others you know find out the simple truth.

In the public announcement made by the U.S. Treasury (owner of AIG), the Treasury has said that its own money is less valuable than toxic mortgage securities. The New York Fed, actually having to reflect on the sales offer – the same Fed that bailed out the Treasury for QE2 (the politically correct term for certifying counterfeit currency as the sale was NOT backed by an independent buyer thereby defying the “willing buyer” requirement for an independent transaction) – seems to agree that holding toxic mortgages is better than holding the dollar. And, every major financial media outlet, in their pathetic pandering to the propaganda that led us down the primrose path to Maiden Lane, regurgitates the LIE that this is good for the American taxpayer and the U.S. government. Ah, for the good old days of clear cut treason when people sought to destroy the country with tired trinkets like muskets and cutlasses. Now, treason is death by a thousand paper cuts of unread securities agreements written to blind the public in plain sight.

For years I pointed out that the 2008 collapse was not a “housing market” crisis but the fully forecast collapse of housing market financials when houses were used as ATMs and real estate became the basis for reckless consumer credit. Well, now we’ve got it. We really have the 2008 crisis that didn’t happen then. In this wholesale robbery from the public and in the broad light of fraud, the New York Fed, the Treasury, and their puppet AIG, are now solidly collapsing the dollar. I guess the Utah legislature is prescient in their decision to move towards a state-minted legal tender gold and silver standard. Because, what’s in your wallet is the ghost of a system built in 1913 which has now fully failed.

While most of the time, I end my blog posts with a “happy ending” I can assure you that this one doesn’t end happy. It ends with a warning. When we construct the next economic system, accountability and transparency not only will require an informed and educated population but it will require people like you, having read this, and having independently checked the accuracy of what I’ve reported, taking the next step and forwarding this to everyone you know who has a dollar or who has ever used a dollar so that, “no one saw it coming” can’t be said this time.

So go ahead, take a challenge from a Virginian who had the courage to actually call for Liberty and hit the "send" button. If a tea tax got in the craw of colonies - let's see if you know treasonous behavior when you see it and then, let's see if you do something about it!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Polarity of Insight – Staring at the Sun

When you grow up with a father who is an astronomer, you learn about optics long before others in your grade. As a little boy, I remember creating a pinhole camera in an attempt to see large sunspots or partial eclipses. I remember going to Rio Hondo Community College and using some of the telescopes to project images of the sun on white surfaces to resolve solar mysteries without blinding my beguiling eye. I also remember loving to start fires with magnifying glasses but that was not part of this story or part of my better childhood behavior so, enough about that! I remember driving across the desert and watching my brother Dan at a gift shop taking a pair of sunglasses and, while looking through them, turn them 90 degrees to see if they were polarized pronouncing to all of us younger siblings that this “polarization” was essential for some fantastical reason. From optics to audio, Dan could explain the importance of things with such a passion that you actually thought them to BE important. And so, at a National Park gift shop somewhere in the southwestern United States, I paid an extra couple dollars and got “better” vision. That I lost the glasses at the Grand Canyon is merely cause for you, the reader, to have great sympathy for me and then imagine what the loss of such value must have had on my psyche!

In collaboration with my M•CAM, Constellation, and other colleagues, I have revisited the notion of polarization realizing that this phenomenon is replete with natural philosophy and wisdom. Unwilling, however, to remain wed to conventional dimensions of polarization in which one filters perpendicular reflected light to reduce glare and sharpen edges, I would like to consider the values of the principles of polarization with infinite orthogonality.

In his most current work, my friend and colleague Richard David Hames explores the “civilizational worldview” in an epistemological criticism of unconscious sense-making assumptions. Using the context of global environmental changes, we work to see what ethnographic impulses can be deciphered when observing the SAME observed phenomenon by systematically shifting our observational vector. While we might, in the Occidental Lens, see crisis in climate change; in our Sinic Lens, we can see that the melting ice may be a godsend to those living systems that have been long starved for methane. By seeing things through different lenses, we find not only new perspectives on the same phenomenon but we… are you ready for this?.. might actually have sentient awareness of other facultative symbiots and see ourselves in-scale rather than in the glare of our own reflective Klieg egos.

Over the course of the past week, I have worked with a number of people to begin understanding the application and integration of Integral Accounting using the hexahedral optics (aka - a cube prism). Pulling a random article from a newspaper, I have asked people to annotate every word, phrase or concept in each of the six orthogonal dimensions of IA. An example is below. I am using a Reuters article entitled “US Corn Belt Braces for Major Flooding in Spring”.

In 2008 (Custom & Culture: time), rains (Commodity: water) pounded (Custom & Culture: evocative of destruction) the northern Midwest (Commodity: land; Custom & Culture: place) from early June into July (Custom & Culture: time) and caused (Knowledge: hydrology) tributaries into the vast Mississippi River watershed (Technology: natural water conveyance) to overflow (Commodity: abundant water), flooding (Custom & Culture: evocative of destruction; Well-being: loss of employment, land, shelter) some tens of millions of acres of cropland (Commodity: land).

Grain prices (Money: grain sales) soared (Custom & Culture: evocative of abundance) during the summer of 2008 (Custom & Culture: time) on fears of damage (Custom & Culture: social response; Knowledge: anticipation of consequence; Well-being: (-fear)) to the bellwether U.S. crops. Iowa farmers (Custom & Culture: class of labor) received nearly $1.1 billion in insurance payments (Money: insurance) in 2008.

Next, take the time to observe each artifact of integral value and shift your optics. When viewed on a global scale of a need for fresh water, are pounding rains destruction or essential to recharge fresh water? And if we take this view, are there pathways which we could imagine which would take the devastation into a new value by using technology, new social narratives, or alternative values on land-use? Are there people or places around the world where knowledge could be shared to turn a narrative from animations of fear, destruction and loss into opportunity? Did anyone win? Did anyone lose? Could any of those dynamics been altered?

By taking the time to apply the polarizing optics of value dimensions into something as simple as a CNBC article, one can also begin to resolve the fulcrum around which the narrative could change. In the story above, fear drove up prices. In the story above, farmers benefited from fear while insurers lost. In the story above, the consumer lost all the way around. Without considering the single dimension consequences in multiple, orthogonal perspectives, we animate a fatalistic, helpless worldview in which there are only winners and losers.

A challenge for the week: pick a story in your newspaper or favorite on-line media and look at it through the six dimensions of Integral Accounting. Then, tilt the image 66 degrees and look at every artifact through one other lens. Repeat at least two more times. See if you are inspired to ask, “Why didn’t someone see it this way?” See if you’re inspired to learn more about something you would have otherwise glanced over. See if you’re inspired to go through your day with a little less of your own reflected glare and a little more direct Light.